Althea Golden
“Since it costs a lot to win and even more to lose,
You and me bound to spend some time wonderin’ what to choose.
“I’ve been gamblin’ hereabouts for ten good solid years.
If I told you all that went down, it would burn off both of your ears.”
Goes to show, you don’t ever know.
Watch each card you play and play it slow.”
#GratefulDead #Althea
#PlayItSlow #ClassicTunes
#Deal #goldenretriever #dogsofinstagram
Someone got some toys 🧸 for xmas
#goldenretriever #althea #dogsofinstagram
7 years ago … such a gift to this world …
If you think taking pics of a dog in a santa hat 🤶🏽 is easy … think again :)
#goldenretriever #althea #christmas #santahat #dogsofinstagram
Happy Xmas 🎄
#goldenretrievers #althea #christmas
What could I have done to have deserved such fate 🙂 Boy am I a lucky guy
Comes a time when we all realize that a dining room space is for a table and not our personal massage therapy room
#goldenretriever #althea
A mudrat detector, a cushion detector & a picture of nectar 👟🥾👢👡 #althea #goldenretriever #cavern
Any view / any place = the right time for @justfoodfordogs
#goldenretriever #justfoodfordogs #althea #dogsofinstagram #sandiego #goldenretrievers
Birthday presents #goldenretriever
Getting a pre thanksgiving tan #goldenretriever #althea
Happy Birthday to this beautiful lady. The amount of happiness she sheds on us all is nowhere near the amount that needs to be vacuumed up. Thank you for shedding đź’• Shed on my love đź’•#goldenretriever #althea #birthday
And by the way, you know that hope
Will make you strange
Make you blink, make you blink
Make you sink
It will make you afraid of change
Enough to blame the box with the view of the world
#jackjohnson #goldenretriever #dog
Serious business
#goldenretriever #althea
Some daylight savings staring
#goldenretriever #althea #daylightsavings
thank you @catemontgomery for the yummy treats & thank you @justfoodfordogs as always for your healthy meals #goldenretriever #justfoodfordogs
Thank you Geydi for sending out the invite to the Thousand Oaks Grand Opening of @justfoodfordogs - It is such a great honor being pup ambassador for your group. Not a day goes by that people don’t remark about her “coat” (though awfully dirty at the moment or how much “energy” she has at 7 years) - I attribute it directly to her nutrition from #jffd
Thank you again also for introducing us to the incredible folks at @eastwoodranch - What amazing, heartfelt work they’re up to. Can’t wait to stop by.
#goldenretriever #justfoodfordogs #thousandoaks
#fomo furever
#goldenretriever #althea
The love ❤️
Apparently she ordered an Uber XL
#goldenretriever #althea